
The First Day of the Rest of My Life

Today, December 16th, is the beginning of the rest of my life. Through a chance of fate I am one of the "Elite" Pod Pilots. I have joined the few, the proud, and apparently slimy and sticky. With this pod I can single handedly control my new Reaper class frigate. It's not much, but it is a start. With this new ship I will...

Who was that... Who is in my ship.

Who the hell are you Aura? My Pod's AI... What is an AI?

Artificial Intelligence? Your not going to be telling me what to do, I am pulling your plug right now.

Sorry about the interruption, there was this crazy two toned voice trying to tell me what to do and how to fly my ship. She won't be doing that anymore, I cut the speaker wires. When I get out of this pod I will be locating the AI core and tearing it out of this small little pod, stupid AI.

Back to what I was saying, with this new ship, my Reaper class frigate, I will amass a small fortune to upgrade to a Rifter class frigate as soon as possible. I plan to acquire my fortune through piracy, but first things first, where am I?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Heh, that was good.