
A Delayed Response

After a solid minute and a half of weapon systems firing, the ship took out a grand total of two percent of my shields, while I removed one hundred percent of his shield, armor, and hull leaving a floating pile of debris. Why would a ship that looks equivalent be so easy to take out? I would find my answer as I flew by the debris. A chunk of the ships hull floated by my into one of my monitors view and on it very clearly was written, "Minmatar Republic Fleet Trainer". My first victory was thrilling for the thirty seconds it took me to find out that I was fighting a restricted computer in a weakened ship, where is the excitement in that.

I fiddled with the controls until I found the sensor commands. Once I gained control of my sensors, I located the nearest station warped into the docking lanes and swiftly docked my ship. Boy was it a relief to be able to exit my pod and wash off all that goo. I wandered around the station for a bit stretching my legs and looking for possible jobs. I can already tell money is going to be a valuable resource in my affairs. I spoke to some locals and was told to look for some agents in a local lounge, so that's where I would head.

As I approached the entrance, I heard someone say something loudly in my ear, "Skill training completed." I jumped and spun around yelling "Holy Hubbard, did you have to yell?" and to my surprise, no one was there. I wondered where that noise come from when suddenly the same person said "From your mind." The realization of the situation settled in and I screamed "NOOOOOOOO!!!! I thought I got rid of you."

"Sorry Billy, I am in your head, what you thought my core in your pod was actually a stability gyro."

"Dammit. Alright, what do you mean by 'Skill training completed'?" I asked the annoying AI.

"The informational upload of the skills and knowledge of Electronics volume three are done."

That explained why I was understanding new things about electronics. So I asked the next logical question, "How do I change what skills and knowledge I am uploading, and how many volumes are there?"

"You can either tell me directly what you want to start on, or you can go back to you pod to see a list of current books available to you. If you would like to purchase new books you can purchase them in the markets and upload them to your pod to be 'Trained' later."

"Thank you for that information. Commence upload of Electronics volume four."

"Skill upload commenced, estimated upload completion in two days four hours fifty six minutes and two seconds."

That sounded good to me, so I said thank you and kindly asked Aura to leave me alone till I got back to my pod. After she said goodbye I blinked my eyes and found myself in the lounge sitting in a chair in front of a table. On the other side sat a man in a business suit. "Are you back with me now?" he asked. Hopefully my body's auto pilot sat me in front someone that can give me a job.

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