
Agent Extravaganza

I spoke with the agent for a few minutes and found out that she had a job for me and pending a successful completion of that job may have more for me. The job was pretty straight forward, she wanted me to go rough up a group of pirates that have been harassing her companies miners. I accepted and went through with the job.

I assaulted the pirates and returned with news of success. Upon informing the agent of my success, she sent me off to go see another agent who would give me a couple missions to start me out. This new agent however, was not in this system, she was several systems away, and when i asked how I was supposed to get to her, the Jump Gate was explained to me. The idea is fascinating, linking several systems together with a massive relay system that would allow someone to travel across the universe in a couple hours. I asked where I could find the jump gate and the route I could take to get to my destination, but the agent simply told me to ask my pods AI to show me a system map for the gate destination and a galaxy map for a route. Won't i ever be rid of Aura?

A few hours later I arrived at my destination and proceeded to locate my new agent. She gave me job after job which I completed for several rewards. The most common was a money reward, but in two instances I got ships. I now have a Slasher class frigate and a Breacher class frigate. I personally prefer the Slasher. The sequence of jobs had to do with removing a pirate outpost in the system, which was easier than I thought it would be. During a few of the missions, the pirates tried to convince me to join them, which I think I might do. I think I might take them up on that offer, if I can ever find their head quarters.

Upon completing these missions, I talked to some locals on the local comm channel. After talking with them, I heard how most systems are monitored by concord, and any aggressive acts that are unprovoked will result in a near instant loss of ship. This space I determined would not be the best environment for a pirate. I also found out how there are systems that concord them selves will not monitor, they will leave it up to sentry turrets at stations and jump gates. this seems more ideal as it offers a false sense of security while allowing me to avoid the law. The most intriguing was the mention of the lawless space. It was mentioned that this has no security beyond what is provided by the corporations out there. It struck me that this is probably the most dangerous space but the mentions of riches sounds like it could be the most profitable. I think I will be heading out to the low security systems after this log entry. hopefully tomorrow me and my slasher will begin my piracy career.

1 comment:

Barashi Nugan said...

I'm going to assume people don't like signing up for a blog account in order to comment. But let me speak for the silent majority when I say that you *must* add more to this blog.

Otherwise, I'll be forced to hunt you down in game and ransom you for another chapter.
